What's New...

March 2009 DMDA is now terminated, out of business. This web site is maintained for historical purposes only.
April 2005 DMDA will participate in the Digital Media Summit (June 7-8, 2004, Los Angeles CA). Digital Media Summit addresses digital technologies that create, deliver and distribute content including Digital TV, Interactive TV and HDTV, Film, VOD and DVR Video and DVD Cable networks and Broadcast TV. Topics include: TV Anywhere, Anytime; Multimedia and Video on Mobile Devices, Broadcast Mobile Services, and New Revenue Streams for TV Programming.
DMDA Members are considering a working group on interoperability guidelines for automotive audio. Companies interested in participating should contact Tom White.
January 2005 The membership dues structure for 2005 has been approved by the Board of Directors. Dues and Participation Fees have been reduced to encourage greater participation, especially from smaller companies.
June 2004 We are in the process of assembling a database of companies that are manufacturing and designing digital media devices, and suppliers of technologies for those devices. Companies that want to be listed in the database (which will be available to the public via our web site) should contact Tom White for more information.
January 2004 DMDA Executive Director Tom White is participating in the Digital Media Project directed by MPEG Convenor Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione. The DMDA's CfP defining requirements for interoperable audio devices has been submitted to DMP as a reference source for DMP's own call for solutions for interoperable Portable Audio/Video players. 
June 2003 DMDA IWG: The DMDA-IWG participants have decided to put the proposal review process on hold.
April 2003 The web-based DMDA News Service, which provides daily coverage of stories specifically of interest to device makers has been replaced with an email-based news delivery system. Many DMDA members felt having targeted information delivered to them was extremely valuable, but the manpower and other costs made the web-based system impractical. The email-based DMDA News Service is available for free to DMDA members and by subscription to all other interested parties.
March 2003 DMDA-IWG: Of the four proposals for Interoperability Technology for Digital Media Devices being considered, three appear to sufficiently respond to the Call to warrant discussion within the group. Participants are currently reviewing the proposals internally, in preparation for beginning group discussions later this year. The revised schedule has been postponed until all DMDA-IWG participants have had a chance to review the proposals.
February 2003 With continued concerns about travel, the economy, and the short-term opportunities for new business from digital media devices, the members have elected to conduct any 2003 meetings via teleconferencing. Staff will continue to monitor legal and legislative issues as well as business deals and product announcements and keep the DMDA membership informed via email.
DMDA-IWG: In light of the members' decision not to engage in physical meetings, the procedure and schedule proposed in the Call is no longer realistic. A revised schedule will be discussed at the next meeting (teleconference).
January 2003  DMDA-IWG: Four companies responded to the Call. An overview of each proposal has been distributed to DMDA-IWG participants for review. Proponents will be notified if additional information (and/or a formal presentation and Q/A session) is needed. 
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